Friday, October 1, 2010


Receiving and witnessing to the grace of conversion in the Old Testament...
The Example of David: Bathsheba
Sin Revealed, Conversion Called for:  prophecy (Nathan)
Confession and Conversion:  prayer, proclamation, pardon and peace
The Grace of Conversion:  the gift of a new heart
The Old Covenant:  from external observance to interior conviction
The New Covenant:  freely, freely you have received
Acceptance of Grace:  called and chosen
Urgency of Conversion:  today if you hear his voice...
Prayer and Witness:  turning heavenward and earthèd praxis
Suffering for Truth:  abandoning yourself to the Holy Will
Conversion may be defined in the life of T. Merton as a processover time (p. 227).
Developmental Perspective: Transformations in Various Dimensions
Cognitive:  not sophistication but liberation towards authenticity (p. 228)
Affective:  preparing the ground for deeds in light of another's needs
Moral:  from willfulness to community (to autonomy?)
Theological Interpretations:  From Hermeneutics to Relationship
Conversion as Fundamental Option:  positive alignment consistently instantiated
Jesus' Call to Conversion:  change your hearts, the kingdom is at hand
Theological Interpretations and Merton:  awakened to the light
Christian Conversion as Love of Neighbour:  “forgiveness without limit” (p. 237)
Transformation of Social Structures:  from revelation to revolution
Empirical Evaluation:  Serve in obedience to Jesus' God.
Conclusion: From Encounter to Pursuit, from Seed to Ripened Fruit
Specificity entails responsibility.
Christian conversion is a decisive event:  Awakening, awareness & reorientation
Accountability trumps autonomy: Conversion as vocation towards the light
Concrete Referents in the Call to Holiness:  Ethical considerations
Community:  Nurture not nature (p. 32)
Narrative:  Jesus' and Christians' stories as models.
Rational:  Putting your talents to work in a complex but intelligent universe.
Personal:  “Accepting responsibility for one's own judgments of conscience.” (p.32)
Christian conversion carries moral responsibility:  Charity as duty not supererogation

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